Fast-track development
Editorial  ·  2025-01-20  ·   Source: NO.4 JANUARY 23, 2025

In 2024, China's high-speed railway network made two major achievements. First, its total length reached 48,000 km, maintaining first position globally. Second, a train prototype capable of reaching a test speed of 450 km per hour was unveiled and will be put into commercial operation this year, ushering in a new era of high-speed railway at 450 km per hour, an increase from 350 km.

With the world's fastest trains and the largest network, China's high-speed railway showcases the advanced technologies used in its construction. Ensuring the safe and stable operation of the high-speed railway network requires technologies in the areas of materials, telecommunications, signaling, design and operation management, in all of which China excels globally.

Breakthroughs in China's high-speed railway technologies benefit the international community. As the Belt and Road Initiative progresses, China will enhance cooperation with countries along its routes, jointly improving connectivity in transport, energy, telecommunications and other infrastructure. China's experience in high-speed railway can be a reference for these countries, helping them achieve leapfrog developments in infrastructure.

Breakthroughs in China's high-speed railway also benefit the country's economic and social development. The increase in the length of the network has stimulated the development of related industries, since construction of high-speed rail requires a large amount of steel, cement and machinery. It has also stimulated the development of tourism, logistics, food and beverage and other industries, bringing new impetus to economic growth.

High-speed railway enables travel between regions to be more frequent and convenient, strengthens inter-regional connectivity and makes regional economic development more balanced. For instance, in the Yangtze River and Pearl River deltas, which both have dense high-speed railway networks, several high-speed railway economic circles have been formed, and cities within these circles cooperate closely to promote high-quality regional economic development.

The length of China's high-speed railway network is expected to reach 50,000 km in 2025. A number of planned railway projects will start operating this year, ensuring China will remain the global leader in high-speed railway for the foreseeable future.

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